Monday, October 30, 2006

Ooh, red

I've been spending nearly all of my knitting time working on my red sweater. I just knew I should have finished up that second sock first. I knew it. Ah well. The sock is now in my office, so hopefully I'll get a needle's worth of knitting in now and again during the day. But you don't really care about that... You're here to hear about my red sweater.

It's coming along famously. Finished up another ball of yarn, put the sleeve stitches on waste yarn, and have knit a couple inches down the body. Isn't it fun what paired increases can do? Circular knitting magic, and raglan sleeves!

If you want to see more photos, they're on my blog.


Jean said...

Wow, you're really cookin'. It looks wonderful!

Linda said...

Instant raglan sleeves AND no seams to cool is that?!
It's looking great :-)

Lyn said...

I just went over to your blog, and was amazed by your Mountain Peaks Shawl! Absolutely stunning!