I had a vision of myself wearing Norah Gaughan's pentagon pullover on the beach this summer, but it wasn't to be. Autumn in Melbourne is very mild and lovely, so it might still get an outing - if I can just get through the finishing.
Almost there...
A knit along for those needing a little splash of color in their lives... namely RED!
Contact Anne or Laura to join. We need your email address in order to send you an invitation. ;-)
By the way... There's no time limit to this KAL. This isn't a race or anything like that, either. We're just here to knit red sweaters! :-)
I did these two. Eh. The color's good. Red! I like Anne's buttons better. :-)
Prize contributors will pick a Red Letter Day. The names of all the current KAL participants will go into a hat, and one will be drawn. Ta da! A prize winner is born. The contributor will contact the winner, get her address, and send off the winnings.
Anne wanted me to be sure to let you know that anyone can contribute to the Red Kitty. To put it in her words, "maybe leftover red yarns from KAL projects, i dunno! books, needles, etc, also welcome." Let Anne or I know directly (email us) if you want to add to the Red Kitty.
What a lovely design! I do hope you get to use it soon.
It's wonderful! I hopey you get it done in time to wear it before packing it up for the winter.
Wow, that is a beautiful design! I look forward to seeing the finished product!
Man, that it very cool. I haven't seen the pattern. Where is it published?
That looks really beautiful. You can get it finished! You can do it, go go go! (My blog cheer for knitters :)
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